AIRROC's The Legacy Life

Keith Kaplan - Bedivere Insurance Company

AIRROC Season 2 Episode 4

In this episode of AIRROC’s The Legacy Life we are talking to Keith Kaplan, Chief Liquidation Officer of Bedivere Insurance Company. When asked how he ended up in his role, Keith responds: “How did I get to be a liquidator? You just need to go back 20 years to when I was working at Reliance Insurance Company, and the Pennsylvania Insurance Department showed up one day and said: ‘We’re here to help.’” Since then, much of Keith’s career has been spent working with companies in liquidation. He explains the liquidation process and discusses how the handling of insurance or reinsurance business in liquidation differs from the handling and managing of more typical runoff.

Regarding getting more young professionals interested in insurance and reinsurance careers, Keith echoes the sentiments of many other guests to the podcast and says that the industry needs to work on its marketing. He notes that the runoff space of the insurance industry alone is huge and there are careers available for a wide range of skills. “In the runoff area in particular, you have a very gray workforce in management with a big gap behind them,” he says. For young professionals who dedicate themselves to runoff right now, “the opportunities are unlimited.” 

This podcast is brought to you by AIRROC, the only US-based non-profit association focusing on the legacy sector of the insurance and reinsurance industries. AIRROC serves the industry by providing education, networking, information and data. Learn more about what we do at or

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