AIRROC's The Legacy Life

Marcus Doran - AIG

AIRROC Season 1 Episode 3

Marcus Doran, Senior Director of Commutations and Reinsurance Finance at AIG, stops by to discuss his legacy career. Marcus also provides his theories on why the insurance industry has such a difficult time attracting young talent: "It's just bad marketing." He notes that the insurance industry is dynamic, fast-moving, fast-paced and that new products are constantly being developed to meet the needs of an ever-changing world. However, these exciting characteristics are often overlooked in recruitment efforts. "It kind of rests with each of us as individuals" he says, "to be representatives and ambassadors of both insurance/reinsurance and...the legacy market in and of itself."

This podcast is brought to you by AIRROC, the only US-based non-profit association focusing on the legacy sector of the insurance and reinsurance industries. AIRROC serves the industry by providing education, networking, information and data. Learn more about what we do at or

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