AIRROC's The Legacy Life

Glen Mulready - Insurance Commissioner for the State of Oklahoma

AIRROC Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome back! Season 2 of AIRROC’s The Legacy Life kicks off with Glen Mulready, Insurance Commissioner for the State of Oklahoma. As many of our listeners will know, Commissioner Mulready was instrumental in the development and implementation of the Insurance Business Transfers (“IBT”) Act, a mechanism that allows for the absolute transfer of books of insurance business from one company to another. 

Through his work with the Oklahoma Insurance Department, Commissioner Mulready has expanded internship opportunities in his department and is exploring the possibility of holding a “next gen” type conference for young professionals. His department has also begun working with school-aged children to create awareness of the insurance industry. He notes: “We have an employee who is out in the schools, even at the elementary school level, doing Insurance 101… We’re trying to reach…kids in the classroom in different settings.” Commissioner Mulready believes that creating opportunities to expose young people to the many facets of the insurance industry is a great way to generate interest and bring more new talent to the space.

This podcast is brought to you by AIRROC, the only US-based non-profit association focusing on the legacy sector of the insurance and reinsurance industries. AIRROC serves the industry by providing education, networking, information and data. Learn more about what we do at or

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