AIRROC's The Legacy Life

Oumou Tounkara - 2021 Trish Getty Scholarship Recipient

AIRROC Season 2 Episode 2

We're doing something a little different this week! Instead of talking to someone who has spent years in the insurance industry, we're talking to someone at the very beginning of her career. Oumou Tounkara was AIRROC's 2021 Trish Getty Scholarship winner. She is a student at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, majoring in Risk Management and Business Intelligence and Analytics and minoring in Data Science. 

Part of what motivated Oumou to learn about risk management and insurance was an incident that happened to her father's business when she was growing up in Guinea. "I come from a country where insurance… is not seen as an important expense," she says. "People are just self-insuring most of the time and when there's a loss they pay out of pocket and if there's no money, well, they will have to deal with the consequences." When she started studying in the United States and realized that insurance might have been able to help her family and others, she decided to make bringing insurance back to Guinea a priority. 

Expect big things from Oumou in the future. We're confident she has a bright career ahead of her!

This podcast is brought to you by AIRROC, the only US-based non-profit association focusing on the legacy sector of the insurance and reinsurance industries. AIRROC serves the industry by providing education, networking, information and data. Learn more about what we do at or

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